Getting Started with Rice NOTS

Useful link:

Connect to NOTS via SSH.

If on campus, or at RGA/RVA, connect to “Rice Owls” network. (You can’t connect to NOTS if you’re on “Rice Visitor”.) If off-campus, follow these instructions to set up the Rice VPN. Then, SSH into NOTS by opening up a terminal and typing

ssh -Y [your NetID, e.g. abc123]

Type in the same password you use to log in to ESTHER. You should now be connected to one of the login nodes.

Connecting a login node on NOTS.

Overview of Filestructure

Directories on NOTS
(screenshot from

After SSH-ing into a login node your terminal will be in your local user directory /home/[your NetID]/ e.g. /home/abc123/. You can freely edit anything in this directory.

cd into $SHARED_SCRATCH and mkdir a directory for yourself:

mkdir [your NetID]

The $SHARED_SCRATCH directory is a place to store temporary files for job i/o. Files here may be purged after 14 days. Once a job is done, you will copy the output to your directory in $WORK. First cd into $WORK/[your advisor's NetID] and mkdir [your NetID]. For me I had to write

cd $WORK/al72
mkdir rmh14


module avail gives a list of available modules. Adding a keyword afterword, e.g.

module avail math

returns a list of modules with the word “math” in them:

module avail math

Interactive session:

srun -p=interactive --pty --export=ALL -n=1 -c=1 --time=00:30:00 /bin/bash

See for explanation of the options. There is a time limit of 30 minutes; if you request 1 hour of time you will receive an error.

Check how many resources previous jobs have used with sacct --format="JobID,CPUTime,MaxRSS"

Ray Hagimoto
Ray Hagimoto
Physics PhD

Cosmology theorist in training, investigating axion cosmic strings.