Writing a python package

A basic python package featuring one module and some data files.

├─ package/
│  ├─ data/
│  │  ├─ __init__.py
│  │  ├─ data_file.csv
│  │  ├─ custom_style.mplstyle
│  ├─ __init__.py
│  ├─ module1.py
├─ setup.cfg
├─ pyproject.toml
├─ README.md


Tells build tool which non-python files to include in the distribution. Note that the file ends in .in, not .ini.


include package/data/*.csv
recursive-include package *.mplstyle


Configuration options for package builder (e.g. setuptools, poetry, flit.)

Example (for setuptools)

name = package
version = attr: package.__version__
author = John Doe
author_email = john.doe@email.com
description = A description.
long_description = file: README.md
long_description_content_type = text/markdown
url = https://github.com/username/package
classifiers = 
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3
    License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
    Operating System :: OS Independent

packages = find:
python_requires = >=3.7
include_package_data = True

In this example the version is obtained by importing the package module and reading its .__version__ attribute which must be defined in the __init__.py. In our example it would require something like

# package/__init__.py
__version__ = "0.0.1"


Very important. A good resource is https://choosealicense.com/.


Example (for setuptools)

requires = [
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

To install the package in development mode (so that you don’t have to build the package every time you make a change) you can cd to the proj/ directory and run python -m pip install -e ..

To distribute the package by uploading it to the python package index (PyPI), first make sure build and twine are installed and make a PyPI account.

python -m pip install build twine
python -m build

First test that your package works on testpypi

twine upload -r testpypi dist/*

Then you can upload it to PyPI with

twine upload dist/*

ASCII file trees were made with ASCII Tree Generator.

Ray Hagimoto
Ray Hagimoto
Physics PhD

Cosmology theorist in training, investigating axion cosmic strings.